When a family chooses one of the backyard courts available from New England Courts, they often begin with the idea of one or two sports in mind—basketball or tennis. However, many families find that their backyard courts are the perfect spot for a number of different games and activities. Whether it’s a holiday gathering or a garden party, here are a few fun games to try!
Capture the Flag
Perfect for those large family gatherings, a game of Capture the Flag will get everybody out on the court. Divide the group into two teams and place a flag within each team’s territory. The goal of the game is to capture the other team’s flag while protecting one’s own. Players who are captured within enemy territory can be tagged out and sent to “jail.” They can be freed from jail if they are tagged back in by a player from their own team.
Blind Man’s Bluff
A fun variation on tag, Blind Man’s Bluff involves blindfolding the person playing “It.” This game is perfect for playing on backyard courts since the slip-resistant flooring provides a safer surface for kids running around wearing blindfolds. Blind’s Man Bluff can be played with a group of any size, from two players up.
Crack the Whip
Often played by children while ice skating, Crack the Whip can be just as fun (and much safer!) when played on a backyard court. Children line up, all holding hands, and the person at the head of the chain begins to run, quickly changing directions back and forth. The longer the chain, the more difficult the game will be, with the person at the end of the line taking the most shock from the position changes. Eventually, the chain will break, and players who have been turned loose must catch another player’s free hand to get back in the game. Bonus points if they can catch the leader and become the new head of the line!
For more information about the different ways that we can transform your backyard into a fun space for the whole family, contact New England Courts by calling (978) 828-9232. Over the past 40 years, we’ve built over 100,000 courts worldwide and can help you find the perfect solution for your space and budget.